School awards


Every year the Obermenzinger Gymnasium recognizes individual pupils for their outstanding achievement. Each award comes with a cash prize in the amount of 50 euros.
The school awards are presented at the school's annual summer festival in July.
Following a now decades-long tradition, we recognize excellence in these four areas:

The Marianne von Borries Prize for outstanding performance in the area of languages or music and the arts.

The Elisabeth Rohmer Prize for outstanding performance in the area of social engagement in the school community.

The Dr. Gustav Chmiel Prize for outstanding performance in the area of mathematics and the natural sciences.

The Klaus Blaier Prize for special achievements in the philosophical and geographical areas.

The Willi Ullrich Prize for outstanding performance in the area of sport and athletics.

The Ernst von Borries Prize for special achievements in the creative field.

The first three awards were named for the founders of our school.