How to apply
In order to begin the application process, you will need to schedule a personal consultation between you and your child and one of our headteachers. As part of this consultation, we will verify that all requirements regarding educational regulations for attending a state-approved Gymnasium have been met.
Please arrange an appointment for a consultation through our school office (see below).
You will need to bring your child's school certificate or most recent school report with you to the consultation.
After receiving your formal application, the school administration will determine if an admission is possible. If yes, we will send you your admission documentation. The headteacher's signature confirms your child's enrolment.
Additional documents (e.g. birth certificate) will need to be furnished to the school office to complete the registration process.
Information about school fees can be found here.
Apply now
We look forward to scheduling your personal admissions consultation. Please contact:
Obermenzinger Gymnasium
Freseniusstr. 47
81241 München
Tel. +49 89 891244-0
Fax +49 89 891244-10